15 July 2007

i like crafts

Today, in honor of homemaker extraordinairre Amy Sedaris, was an official Craft Day. If you have not read or looked at the book, I Like You, you really need to stop, go find it and read. It might be the most hysterical homemaking advice book in the entire world.

Its full title is "I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence" and in it she manages to take her unending quest to make her entire life as ridiculous and hideous as possible to a whole new level with hilarious reults of course.

First up was the "cherry blossom tree"

ingredients: twigs, popcorn, nail polish

Next was the "eye burrito"

ingredients: pantyhose, felt, beans

Followed by the ever popular "felt disks"

ingredients: felt, thread, buttons, "crazy stitches" (crazy stitching is for those who don't know how to sew)
You have absolutely no idea how enticing and amazing felt disks are. We scoffed and laughed but, once we began, couldn't stop. Evidently they make great eyepatches for your inner pirate. I have since bought yet even more felt just in case the felt disk urge arises again.

And what craft day would be complete without the creating of "competitive ribbons"?

ingredients: felt, thread, yarn, much creativity

And finally, the piece de resistance, the carrot potato bracelet

ingredients: carrots, potato, thread. The instructions call for it to be dried in your closet for a week, we shall see.

Behold the net result of our incredible craftiness:

Don't you want to try?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omuhgosh, I'm rushing out tonight to buy the necessary ingredients to make cherry blossom twigs. That's so funny!!